
Posted by Kara on 9:32 PM

Sorry for the lack of posts lately! School has been so crazy...that's what usually happens at the end of the semester and you have a ballroom concert last week and another next week.
Anyway. For my final project in one of my communication classes, we had to do a presentation and include one of our talents, and I wasn't about to dance or drag a piano down 4 flights of stairs. Of course I turned to baking, because I love a) how easy box mixes are, b) I've never burned them, and c) people have always told me they love what I make for them. So 30 cupcakes and an A+ grade later...

2 boxes of cupcake mix (I used German Chocolate and Classic Yellow)
2 cups of instant vanilla pudding
2 packages of cream cheese
1-1 lb. bag of powdered sugar
2 Tbsp. butter
1/4 cup milk
1/2 Tbsp. vanilla extract

Prepare the cupcake mix according to your box directions. Just to
clarify, you make the mixes separately...didn't want to confuse
anyone. When you mix together the yellow box, add the 2 cups 
of pudding. The mixture will be thicker than normal. I promise
everything will be ok...

Fill the cupcake tin 1/4 the way with chocolate mix. Drop a big 
blob of yellow mix on top. My fiance mixed them together...but
they didn't look as cool. Just drop the blob in the middle and
you're good to go. Toss them in the oven and start working on
on your frosting.

Your frosting will be super simple. Melt the butter, then 
toss it in a bowl with the cream cheese, powdered sugar,
vanilla extract, and milk. Keep adding powdered sugar 
until the frosting is as thick as you want it.

Take your cupcakes out of the oven, and let them cool.
Once they're cool enough, go ahead of frost them to 
your little heart's content. Because it's fun.

I used crushed butterfingers for some of my cupcakes, 
and chocolate sprinkles on others.

As always, enjoy!
