
Posted by Kara on 2:37 PM
Because my family makes these on lazy sunday afternoons for a quick and filling lunch, I figured naming it after the day was appropriate. These are super easy and the entire recipe is to taste!

2 eggs
Onion powder
Pickles (optional)

Boil eggs for about 10-15 minutes (or until the shells start to crack)
Add mustard, paprika, salt, pepper, and onion powder
Mash the eggs until relatively smooth. Taste to make sure it has the flavor you want. If not,
add more of the spices (if the mustard is too overwhelming but the mix is still too dry, add a spoonful
of mayonaise. 
If you decide you want the pickles,  chop into small pieces and stir into the egg mixture.
Place egg mixture onto toasted bread (I used whole wheat honey bread).
As always, enjoy!